Ephemeral art by Janine
Ephemeral art by Janine
I am trained and certified Co-Active Coach with a focus on mindset. Although coaching is a very action-oriented process and involves getting into motion, I also help my clients focus and learn how they are 'being and thinking' in their lives. How we think is at the core of how we show up in the world. Our thinking patterns determine how we feel about ourselves, the world and what we are able to accomplish. I help clients better understand the internal mental programs that they run that impact their lives externally. I use evidence-based coaching tools and neuroscience strategies blended with Positive Intelligence, 'The Work' of Byron Katie, and techniques used in Co-counseling. My approach addresses the mind, the body and the spirit.
I know that if you are here reading this that there is something in your life that is not flowing. Is it lack of passion? Lack of money? Do you hate your job? Do you feel blocked? Maybe you just feel lost. There is a myriad of reasons that you're here but it all comes down to the same thing. You want CHANGE.
Hallelujah, you're in the right place! A coach can be the perfect match for this predicament. And between you and I.... this excites me because I adore transformation. And yes, a transformation isn't always easy but when you're ready to birth something new a few contractions are worth it. Trust me. I believe that everyone has the ability to transform and a lot of what holds us back is our thinking and our blind spots. I think of coaching as a well-placed mirror for our blind spots. When you can see into your blind spots your view is expanded and now you have an opportunity to make new and powerful choices. And although you may be able to make changes on your own, it's different when you have a partner and a guide. It's just like when you try to do your meditation or exercise practice at home alone and you struggle but find it easy when you go to class. We, humans, are funny that way.
That's why you want somebody on your team, someone to listen, witness, someone who points you forward when you might want to turn back and someone who holds you accountable to YOUR values and ideals and cheers you on along the way. Someone who believes in YOU! That is why I became a coach. Okay, it's selfish but I want to see you soar!
Some benefits of having a coach:
Clarify your vision.
Create challenging goals.
Gain clarity, confidence and create change.
Make an action plan to achieve results.
Identify blind spots and saboteurs.
Identify patterns that do not serve you.
Develop an open mindset
You are tired of playing small.
Have a sounding board.
Stop procrastinating.
Create structures for accountability.
Your life is good but you want it to be GREAT!
Connect with meaning in your life.
Break bad habits.
See new ways of looking at things.
Increase productivity.

You are a unique and powerful human being that has gifts that only belong to you. No one has your particular combination. Have you forgotten that?
If so, I 'm here to remind you!
It's time to
BUST OUT! from your
Are you ready
to unleash

You are looking for someone who is direct and honest, yet kind.
You are looking for someone who will say things you may need to hear. You know, the kind of things your friends might not tell you.
You are looking for someone who believes in you and reminds you of your unique gifts, especially when you forget.
You want someone who is there for you, cheering you on every step of the way.
You believe in possibility.
You are willing to roll up your sleeves and get a bit dirty.
You like Canadians.
You think I can 'fix' you. I cannot help you here because I don't see you as broken. Plus, it's not part of my job description.
You want me to do all the work.
You do not value honesty and direct communication.
You're looking for a friend who will collude with your saboteurs and negative thinking.
You are not willing to invest in yourself.
If you want to blame others when things don't work the way you had hoped.
You are not willing to experiment or try new things.
We don't have a rapport.
You don't like Canadians.
I LOVE positive transformation in people, in nature and life in general.
I have devoted most of my life to creating healthy change in myself, and healthful conscious ways to live on our planet. For the last 23 years, I have been dedicated to teaching people to design and create non-toxic, beautiful, healthy living spaces that are in harmony with their own needs and the earth's resources.
I see coaching as a deeper dive into the world of health and well-being. It is about creating alignment and flow within ourselves. One of my roles as your coach is to help you align yourself with what is most important to you (your values) and what lives in your heart (life purpose) so you can flourish and live your dreams. I think of this re-alignment as a chiropractic adjustment for the soul.
If each of us were able to really live the life we dream of, I am positive that our stress levels would be reduced, our hearts could open and this would have a positive global impact on our life, our loved ones and the planet.
I am so excited to be on this journey of helping others breakthrough and take FLIGHT!
Janine Björnson, CPCC
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
Mental Health Coach, Lyra Health
Professional Coaching Training, The Co-Active Training Institute
Coach Certification Program, The Co-Active Training Institute
Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Coaching, Lyra Health
The Neuroscience Academy - The neuroscience of transformation for coaches
Be Above Leadership - The Neuroscience of Transformation
Positive Intelligence - PQ Program for Coaches
Re-Evaluation Theory Counseling
The Work of Byron Katie
Landmark Education